
The Beaded Tapestry

Exploring the writing and inspirations of Elisa Weeber


January 2020

Letters from Oxford – Letter 17

Turquoise water surrounds the solitary figure. Ripples propagate out in geometric designs, creating a mosaic of white and blue, intermingling with the natural oscillations produced by the wind. The figure rotates in the water, sending additional interference through the waves. Artificial meeting natural, creating patterns that propagate across the surface.

Suspended above the planet, the being watches the lone figure producing its artwork. The spectacle sends new concepts through the thought process of the watcher. New frequencies and new combinations emerge from deep vaults buried within its network. A new composition emerges, building off the initial activity below its position. A haunting melody echoes across space as the emissions are released. These new patterns mix with the waveforms already loosed from a previous song of the improviser. The universe vibrates to the patterns, mimicking the creation of the composer.

Dear Victoria,

Such a strange dream! I woke this morning and at once transcribed the vision into words. It was not possible to capture in meer characters the intense emotion this reverie evoked, let alone a description of the plethora of colors and sounds that were present. Rarely do I dream in such brilliance, but this time was one of those exceptions. My thoughts keep returning to you, wishing that when I turned, you would be there, treading water next to me in the aqua sea and pointing out the enormous ocean turtles as they glide below us. The dream was exquisite and I woke refreshed as has not occurred for many months. Rising from my bed, full of creative serum, ready to tackle the most difficult issues our work could throw at me.

After recording my nightly adventure, I spent the day diving into the final projections needed for the recording equipment adjustments. You will be preparing these units on the Phycodurus 8 once you arrive, but they will need to be balanced again when I arrive. These delicate adjustments will ensure that optimal output will be produced from our final stage of the project. This last compensation will have to be made to the sensors since they will have been operating already over a year in space observing the Anomaly. I now have the last piece of our puzzle and will be able to implement it when I reach the end of my impending journey. Feelings of intense calm accompany this accomplishment and with it the certainty that success of the final product is covenant.

I only hope the momentum continues to carry me through this last leg of my time on Earth. The clock seems to be slowing along with my recovery. I definitely was in need of this messenger last night. Let us hope it returns.

Love always,


Letters from Oxford – Letter 16

Dear Victoria,

A return to work after a much needed connection with our parents. It was a pleasure seeing mother in her element. Showcasing her creative talents to the masses and supplying the production at the theater with a heightened level of elaborate sophistication.

And so it begins. The final leg of my recovery and the compilation of years of preparation here on Earth. The final sprint before the start of the race as it were. This will be the most difficult stage. Both in my physical condition and emotional trials. An error or misstep in either endeavor at this point will have drastic reprocussions in the years to come. An unhealthy physique or a final offering to the Louvre that does not deliver what has been promised. I now question my decision to revisit my previous theories by lecturing here at the college. I realize now it is tainting my forward vision. A small portion of my brain returns to the arguments made during the forming of these previous analyses of the Anomaly. It is a small voice, but it clouds my vision more the less. Somewhere during my long hours of lecturing students on my former theory of the Anomaly, I was silently whispering to my subconscious to believe in that former stream of thought.

The analogy of the neural network returns to haunt me every time I stand at the podium. Lecturing on the past theorem overlays the false form of the Anomaly over our current vision.

Again dear sister, your forethought has come to the rescue. The myriad of renditions that you have left in my care are now scattered throughout my lab space, filling my mind with the true nature of our subject. No longer the false brain model that we pinned the Anomaly into, but the elaborate structure resembling more a piece of music than an electrical diagram. A form emitting not only the limited electrical signals concurrent with a neural network, but a form emitting wavelengths and frequencies through all ranges and not simply the neuronal map we once envisioned. The electrical patterns are still there; sending out chemical messages down synaptic like tentacles, but the music is also there in your creations. I can hear the changing frequencies as I gaze at the current recreation adoring my work bench. It is exceptionally prominent in this piece. This is the last item you sent me from on board the Derringer 8. Whenever my mind slips back to my past years of thought, I pull this piece out and study it until my analogy realigns. The once prominent model of the neuronal relations to the phenomenon shifts and there again is my vision of a multifaceted being. One capable not only of thought, but also of creation. Creation in both matter and sound. An astral composer, creating and repairing as it occupies our space.

This practice returns me to my given path, pushing away the temptation to fall into ruts of the mind; those memories and analogies that once filled my designs above all else.

We now must look at our subject of study as an improviser. Adjusting and manipulating to meet the purpose it has set for itself. We do not as yet know what that purpose is, but to think of it as only a structure to relay neural messages will limit our sphere of eminence. The final achievement of creating a product that will change the nature of mankind here on Earth, will require clarification on the true nature and purpose of the Anomaly. What drives it and where its ultimate destination will lead it. A soulless electrical engine does not have the capabilities we are observing. It appears more similar to an artificial intelligence, developing and evolving into consciousness, than an unthinking machine. We cannot look at the Anomaly without understanding its intent.

Without intent it is only a muddled collection of electricity and wave emitters; purely current, colors and sound.



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